Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Four Crazy Things I Love Being A Lawyer

Being a lawyer can be crazy and weird at times, but hey, there are still many things about being a lawyer that I love so much. For some of us, it may not be too much money or a luxurious life characterised by sleek cars and great mansions; but it just could be other little crumbs that falls off the table of
the profession. I know you all would be expecting
me to go talking about how heroic our works can be; rescuing the oppressed, protecting the week, fighting for people’s right and all of that, but I
won’t. Of course those are noble deeds we do as lawyers, of which we take pride in. But can we be a little selfish here? Already they call us liars, how about them calling us selfish too? Like we care!
 Here are my little selfish reasons why I love being a lawyer:
1. I Love The Attention It Attracts Oh please, who doesn't love attention?  We all do, though the degree at which we crave for it may differ; so don’t give me that look. I love the feeling usually get when I walk into a bank and one of the staff calls out in  greeting to the hearing of everybody thus- “you are welcome barrister”. You can imagine the stares that such greeting generates, and to think that I am the focus of such is so cool. By the way, this is not peculiar to banking halls, it just happens everywhere. You all know most folks don’t know us by our names, and even the few that do, would rather call you a barrister than your name. This plays out in so many ways and I enjoy every bit of it. You can call me a kid, it’s okay, am just being honest here.

2. I Love The Feeling Of Fear We Trigger Are you in doubt of this? Ask some policemen. I laugh when some of my colleagues narrate their experiences with policemen, especially at the police station. A policeman on sighting a lawyer at the police station, probably on the invitation of a client, who is being detained, immediately turns into a tiger. It’s funny. Why would they turn into tigers all of a sudden? The guys are intimidated. Why are they intimidated? They are the bad guys, and here comes the good guys who won’t let them have their devilish ways. Naija police I hail o! You know what I do when I confront such scenarios? I pity them and try to assure them that I am their friend, while laughing in my mind because I know I am not their friend in anyway. They are bad. Yes I said it. Same goes for other folks who won’t just want to do the right thing. Talk of landlords who wouldn't want to follow due process in ejecting tenants out of their houses, creditors who also won’t follow the right means in recovering their debt, and many others. We are the good guys, and the bad guys hate us.

3. I Love The Controversial Aura You will be shocked to hear all kinds of opinion people have about lawyers. Seriously, they don’t just think of us as liars; they think a whole lot of poo about us. I heard some even think we all are occult members; can you beat that? I intend to conduct a public opinion on this one of these days, and I can’t wait to really hear stuffs people think and say about us. But come to think of it, who even gives a heck about what they all say and think? I just love that controversial air. Don’t you?

4. I Love The Fact That We Can Be Trusted It takes a lot of faith and trust for people to share intimate things with you. We are talking about secrets and confidential information here. People literally lay their lives bare before their lawyers. Folks trust us with their lives. It’s humbling. I know it also comes with a great responsibility of not betraying that trust. I love being a lawyer, don’t you? Let’s hear your own reasons why you love being a lawyer. I actually mean your selfish, crazy reasons!

Leave your comment below the reason why you love being a lawyer

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